Sunday, July 11, 2010

idea four.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

idea three.

This story has been launched but is on hiatus.

This one is based off of a camp. The main girl goes to summer camp, like she always does, to be a camp counselor. It's her last year as camp counselor before she graduates from high school. We have our favorite characters and little bios.

  • Main girl - reads all the time, and really could care less for boys. Never had a boyfriend, and is content with the fact that she may never have one. Is completely focused on her goal to apply and get into Harvard.
  • Main guy - totally doesn't not care for helping anyone in the least. Cares only about girls, and being with them all the time. Finds out he has major volunteer hour deficiency and is required to fulfill all hours at the camp in order to graduate. Total rebel, totally doesn't care. Girls just think he's hot. Because he is.
  • Other guy - has gone to be camp counselor several times and is main girl's friend. Very friendly, and totally cute. A lot of girls like him because he seems to be very sensitive. Your total bring-home-to-meet-daddy guy, and would totally pass the Dad test.
  • Other girl - popular, beautiful, and a total snob. Is only at the camp because it's her last chance to get hours in before senior year, so she can focus on her cheerleading. Is captain for next school year and can't wait to get out of camp so they can practice for competitions. Sees cute main guy, and totally plans to steal him away.
Then we have the side characters...

  • Camp counselor manager - nice to main girl, and really hopes main girl can help main guy, because main guy is not doing his work. Puts main girl in charge of him. Also puts main girl in boys' cabin because there's not enough bunks in the girls.
  • Best friend - totally nice, but totally not smart. Forgets things all the time, but is the perfect girl to go to when you need someone to listen. Always forgets to keep secrets so main girl knows not to tell her about anything too personal, or anything she doesn't want anyone else to know.
  • The kids - these are the kids at the camp for the purpose of the camp, of course. Totally cute, but totally annoying.
And we have our setting and plot...

  • Setting - We are at camp in the middle of nowhere, and there are NO cell phones. But we have our famous walkie-talkies that do the trick! The camp offers classes in:
    • Math
    • Science
    • History
    • Fashion
    • Swimming
    • Volleyball
    • Soccer
    • Singing
    • Dancing
    • Arts & Crafts
  • Plot - girl gets stuck having to deal with boy. Other boy totally likes her, but she is completely oblivious. She becomes friends with all the guys... and they know she's off limits anyway, but flirts with her. They also take her in as "one of the guys" and become her closest friends (other than Best Friend). Finds out after a swimming lesson with main guy that she actually DOES have a nice body, but she just covers it up. Gets serious warning from main guy.
    • Subplot - main guy uses main girl to go to girls' cabin and hang out with other girl. The rule is this: you can't go anywhere unless you're with someone else. Girls are allowed into girls' counselor cabin, but guys are not. However..... you have this fine line when a girl brings a guy to the girls' cabin. But she comes up with a spiffy excuse - shampoo and feminine hygiene.
I'm really liking this plot.

idea two.

This is a twist off of idea one.

We have our heroine. Her parents are linked to the guy's parents. Her parents are also linked to the other guy's parents.

The first scene is at her first ever tourism conference, where she gets her second job (and first major job) to design a carousel ride for Chairman James, who she worked with before when she made her first ever ferris wheel when he was at a smaller company. Now the chairman of a huge company, he's interested in her work and introduces her to Tristan, who is the manager of the company. He is supposed to supervise her work.. but just as he turned around to say hi, she spills red wine all over his fancy white suit. Oops.