Since Jae was not the best of hosts, Jenny and I decided to take a walk around ourselves. Mary, the maid, showed us to our rooms first. There was a guest suite downstairs, but according to Mary, that was for Jae's "buddies."
"Sometimes he has friends over," she said to us."It's off limits for us."
"Oh," I said. "Where do you stay?"
"Upstairs," Mary said, leading the way up the stairs. When we got up to the second floor, the loft was brightly lit by the skylights. She pointed to the left. "That's where I stay." Then she pointed in front of us. "This where you will live."
I smiled. She was so nice! Jenny and I walked into the suite and were floored.
There were two beds, and a large dresser and walk in closet. There was also a huge bathroom, all with the same cozy theme from downstairs. The room also had doors that led to the balcony outside, which contained a set of outdoor sofas and a cute coffee table, overlooking the gorgeous countryside view.
"Wow," I said.
"I vote we don't find somewhere else to stay," Jenny said, laughing.
"Me too."
The four of us sat in the living room. Jae held a piece of paper in his hand. Nobody spoke.
I looked at Jenny, who looked at me. I looked at Mary, who looked at Jae. I looked at Jae, who was too busy studying the piece of paper to even notice the world around him.
Suddenly, Jenny's phone rang shrilly and broke the silence.
"I'll be right back," she said, taking her phone out and pressing it to her ear. She stepped out. "Hello?" I heard to say faintly.
"OK," Jae began. "Rule number one."
"Shouldn't we wait for Jenny to get back?" I said.
He looked at me, his brown eyes meeting mine. "You're the tenant. She's just your agent. Am I incorrect?"
I glared at him. "But--"
"You're here to make it in the entertainment industry, aren't you?" he said. "If you keep relying on your agent, you're not going to get anywhere. Rule number one. You are not to enter my suite, and I am not to enter yours."
I nodded. "Fine," I said.
"Rule number two--" he began, but I snatched the paper out of his hands. "Hey!"
"Let me see this thing," I said.

A small smile formed on my face. "A bit possessive about the car, aren't you?" I said.
Now it was Jae's turn to glare. "Don't even think about it."
"It's okay," I said. "I prefer BMWs anyway."
He raised his eyebrows. "You do?"
I nodded. "The 650 has way better mileage than the R8; are you kidding me? I mean, yeah maybe the R8 has better horsepower but it's not like you would be able to fly over traffic."
Jae crossed his arms. "Do you like cars?" he asked.
"Who doesn't?" I said.
"I have to admit," he said, "you're the first girl I've met that actually knows what an R8 actually is."
I smirked. "Don't be so surprised," I said, handing back the rule sheet.
"Wait," he said, taking out a pen. "You have to sign it."
"What?" I said.
"To show you agree," Jae said. "Jenny'll sign it too. So will I."
I frowned. "And how many Korean dramas have you watched? Seriously?"
"You watch them?" he asked.
"We're not having this conversation," I said, grabbing the pen and signing the bottom of the sheet. I stood up and began to head upstairs. Before I rounded the corner though, I stuck my head out and called out to Mary and Jae, "And just so you know, I don't actually have any friends, so you're not going to have to worry about number 7."
Jenny brought me to the recording studio and official administrative offices of the entertainment label the next day. The building was gigantic, and the lobby was quite impressive, with sparkling floors and everything.
"We'll just meet to talk to them," Jenny said. "They'll show us around and introduce us to some people. They want to hear you first hand before they start compiling some covers for you to do."
"Covers?" I asked.
"Yes, songs that artists already recorded," Jenny said as we went into the elevator. "The company gets rights from the artists and their labels so that you can release a mini album of covers before your big release."
I nodded. We stepped out of the elevator and met the nice woman at the reception desk, who nodded at Jenny before picking up the phone.
Minutes later, a man and woman appeared at the waiting area to greet us.
"George!" Jenny exclaimed. "So nice to see you again. You did not need to hang up on me like that yesterday, you know."
"I was in a meeting," George responded. He was a tall fellow, likely in his thirties, and looked fairly nice. He smiled at me and said, "Nice to meet you at last, Layla."
"Nice to meet you too," I said, bowing a little.
"This is Beth," he introduced. "She'll be working with you as the connection between you and the producers and writers during the recording process."
"Great," Jenny said.
"I have a meeting I'm off to now," George said. "But Beth will show you around."
"Come with me," Beth said, gesturing toward the hallway. "I'll show you the recording studio and introduce you to a couple of people before we have you do a little singing for us, if that's alright with you."
"Sure," I said. I wasn't sure what was going on but I followed Beth into the hallway. We took a turn as she opened a door into the recording studio and I gasped.
The studio was dimly lit with soft lights overhead, but it was still bright enough to see the large panel of buttons and gadgets and a large computer screen. Switches and buttons lined a panel behind the chair and to my left, I saw a large couch beneath a wall with a modern wooden design. On the far wall was a striped brown and black contemporary design as well. Several people were in the room and I noticed that Jae, of all people, was standing in there chatting with one of the other fellows.
Then it hit me. Jae was also under the same label...
Beth introduced me to everyone. I didn't remember anybody's name but then Jenny struck up a conversation with them about the progress of my career.
"Jae, could you show her into the recording room so we can have her sing a few lines?" Beth asked.
He nodded politely and led the way. I followed behind but was not sure what to say. We walked in silence.
"Right through here," he said, opening the door that led into the small room adjacent to the paneled room. I could see the rest of them through the window. Jenny grinned at me.
"Oh," I said. "Er, thanks."
I stepped inside but wasn't sure what to do.
Jae sighed loudly and closed the door behind him. He reached forward and hit a button in front of me and said, "You have to hit this button so that they can hear you." He grabbed the headphones and shoved them at me. "Put these on so you can hear them."
I put on the headphones and I heard Beth say, "Hey Layla, give me a thumbs up if you can hear me."
I gave her a thumbs up and she said, "Great. We'll have you sing something you want to sing first. Jae can give you a list of songs we have background music to so you can test them out and see how it feels for your second song."
"Erm, okay," I said. Jae shook his head and pressed the button.
"Now talk," Jae said. I glanced at him; he was definitely standing too close.
"Oh, uh, okay," I said. "Thanks Beth."
"Whenever you're ready," Beth said.
I glanced to my left. Jae stepped backwards and stood against the wall but didn't leave.
"Do I just go?" I said.
"Flick the switch," Jae said. "Next to the button."
"Oh," I said, flipping the switch. "Er..."
"Just sing into the mic," Jae said. "Don't hesitate."
I nodded as I thought of a song to sing, and then it came to me.
"Do you know what it's like to feel so in the dark
To dream about a life where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way
This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now
Gonna let the light shine on me
Now I found who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me."
Beth nodded. "Great, you sound great, Layla," she said. I flipped the switch off. "Do you know any Korean songs?" She waved at Jae.
Jae grabbed a list of songs off a nearby table and handed it to me.
"Er," I said. "I don't know Korean."
Jae sighed. "Do you know any Korean songs?"
"Um..." I said, but I couldn't think of any. "I can sing Chinese songs."
Jae paused. "Can you read Chinese?"
"For the most part," I said, frowning as I thought frantically about the last time I actually read Chinese characters.
"Great," Jae said. "You've heard of Mideoyo right?"
"That's a song, right?" I said.
Jae rolled his eyes. He handed me a sheet with lyrics on it. "Tell Beth you want Mideoyo."
I pushed the button and said, "Mideoyo."
"Great!" Beth said. "You'll hear music through the headphones."
"In Chinese," I said.
"Oh," Beth said. "Sure can do." I flicked the switch on.
"我相信 相信別人說那一見鍾情的話
I believe in you 眺望著你的這視線裡
I paused and flipped the switch off. I saw Beth talking to Jenny and the other guys but I couldn't hear anything. Then she turned around.
"Layla, could you give the headphones to Jae really quick?" she said.
"Er," I said. "OK." I took off the headphones and handed them to Jae.
"What?" he said.
"It's for you," I said.
He put them on. After a few minutes he took them off and put them back on the hook. "We're going back in."
"Oh," I said. I glanced at the window again before following Jae back into the other room.
"You're great, Layla," Beth said as we walked through the door.
"Thanks," I said.
"But there's room for improvement," one of the other guys said. "Your voice needs more power."
"Oh," I said. "Okay."
"We have to talk a bit more about how that's going to work but before we do that, take a listen to this concept Jake had," Beth said as she pointed to the guy on the computer who was madly clicking and typing away.
"What concept?" I asked.
"Just listen," Jenny said. "I think you'll like it."
Jae stood in the corner and crossed his arms as he watched this unfold.
Then Jake hit a button and audio flowed through the speakers. It was the song I had just been singing, and he had edited my voice slightly to make it louder. But then came the chorus, and suddenly I was confused, because there was also a male's voice doing harmonies behind mine.
"What do you think?" Beth said. "Jake thought you two would sound pretty good."
"Me and...who?" I asked.
"Yunho," she said. "He's a band mate of Jae's."
"Oh," I said.
"Listen to this one," Jake said, hitting another button.
It was interesting this time around because the harmonies were slightly rearranged, and a different voice was combined with mine.
"That one was Jae's," Jake said.
"We'll get the details sorted out later," Beth said with a smile. "Follow me." She headed towards the door and Jenny and I followed suit. "You too, Jae."
Jae sighed loudly before he followed us as well. We went into a meeting room and sat down in comfy black chairs.
"George and I have not talked to anyone yet about the housing arrangement," Beth said.
"Good," Jae muttered.
"But I think it is a good opportunity for you to utilize his studio," Beth said. "Get some good practice in, work on your voice a bit."
"I suppose I'll have to find a voice coach for her," Jenny said, whipping out her notebook.
"Well..." Beth said, looking at Jae.
"No," he said.
"Jae, you aren't even doing anything," she said.
"It's called a break for a reason," Jae said. "Besides, I'm still writing and working on some other things. You told me to, remember?"
"I understand," Beth said. "You'll be compensated for your time."
Jae narrowed his eyes.
Beth raised her eyebrows at him.
I felt extremely awkward sitting there watching the two of them... but then, Jae finally answered.
"Fine," he said grudgingly.
Beth grinned. "Great! Then we have that settled. He's a great coach for this; it's a good opportunity for him as well as for you, and you'll learn a lot from him. He's one of the best we have."
"I know," Jae said.
I shook my head. Could his ego be any bigger?